The amulets, talismans and various other items presented in this site have their origin in Indonesia, a country considered by some as a possible location for the long, lost continent or archipelago of Atlantis--the "fabled" nation famous for its magickal mysteries. Enjoy browsing, you will find many things that will fill you with wonder and possibly skepticism!
Here you will find many magickal items, talismans, magickal mustika pearls/bezoar stones, kerises (not available in Singapore) and curios of interest. Our magickal items are from the Islamic Ilmu Hikmah and the Javanese occult tradition of Indonesia. The talismans, spells, and magickal items are for various purposes to help you improve your life, enhance and develop psychic powers, magickal protection, etc. The talismans are constructed/empowered by the local occult adepts of Java and neigbouring islands who are proficient in their field of work. We also offer exquisite curios, knowledgepapers (ebooks), one-of-a-kind items, empowerments, etc.
The bezoar stones or magickal mustika pearls were acquired by the shaman dukuns directly from Nature through spirit guidance. Quote " Acquiring pearls from spirits normally occur through rituals though there have been cases where laypersons themselves were given gifts by the spirits. In shamanic rituals, after spirit contact, the shaman/dukun are normally psychically led to places where these pearls and artifacts are buried--thus there is no paranormal manifestation involved in this sense. After knowing the location the shaman would dig to uncover the artifact. Sometimes manifestations in rituals do occur--objects would appear in the air as sparks of light and shamans would capture them in their hands. Manifestations could also occur at a designated vessel prepared by the shaman. They have done rituals whereby they contacted regional spirits, however, timing is an essence in these type of rituals and spirits do inform when the time is not ripe. That Nature Spirit's often offer gifts to spiritual practitioners is a true fact. Outside of the ritualistic context, they have often requested spirits for gifts through simple psychic communciation at power/sacred sites and spots and were given magickal objects.
The question arises whether the objects from spirits were a new creation from their realm or man-made objects that they kept in their realm and later offered to certain people--both are possibilities. The main thing to recognize is that objects from spirits are naturally blessed and empowered with their essence and energies." unquote.
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